about US

about US



We envision the lost knowing, loving, and serving Jesus.
Our mission is to evangelize, disciple, equip, and send.



We envision the lost knowing, loving, and serving Jesus.
Our mission is to evangelize, disciple, equip, and send.


We believe the Church was established by Jesus and so, we're devoted in both principle and deed to local churches throughout the nations. We believe churches are our Lord's primary means of accomplishing His will on the earth and ensuring as few perish and as many come to repentance as possible. Eleventh Hour International is likewise devoted to individuals as those through whom both local churches and the global body are built. We exist to aid both as they walk in obedience and partnership with the Lord of the Harvest, in making disciples of all nations.


Proverbs 29:18 says: "Where there is no vision, the people Perish: ..." We believe vision is an appropriate birthing place for the Lord's work. By waiting on the Lord, and allowing Him to birth our work in vision, we ensure the foundations of our work are in keeping with Zechariah 4:6 which says, "...'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' Says the LORD of hosts.". We continually look to the Lord for vision on how He's leading the lost to life, making disciples, equipping His church, and sending His people. We hold near and dear Jeremiah 33:3 which says, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and (show you) great and mighty things, which you do not know." Our prayer is that the Lord Himself will continually be our vision and that He keeps His vision for mission ever before us.


The lost are the primary scope of our focus. They're those from every tribe and nation for whom Jesus came, lived, died, defeated death, empowers with His Spirit, and intercedes for. They're our joy, our crown, and the song of our heart. They’re the strengths and weaknesses of the church's future generations and the mission field of ours. Let us rise to the challenge of evangelizing, discipling, equipping, and sending them.


We envision the lost knowing Jesus intelligently, intimately, and experientially; intelligently in that they know his attributes, intimately in that they have a heart understanding of those attributes, and experientially in that their knowledge and the heart understanding of it effect both their lives and the world around them.


We envision the church and the lost loving Jesus and learning to walk in joyful and
peaceful submission to Him.


We envision the church’s faithful remnant serving Jesus and leading the lost in doing the same. This compels us to lead by example. May we walk in the grace God gives us to faithfully complete the good works for which we’re created, called, and sent. May His great grace strengthen and sustain us when we’re weary in the work and empower us to keep our hands on the plow so as to not become weary of the work. We envision many serving with passion; who, as it says in Romans 12, are never lacking in zeal, but keep their spiritual fervor serving the Lord. May our love and passion for the lost overflow from our love and passion for Jesus.


Jesus is He to whom we belong and owe our very lives. On Him, we fix our eyes and set our hope. He is our hearts true north, our purpose, and our passion.


We believe the Church was established by Jesus and so, we're devoted in both principle and deed to local churches throughout the nations. We believe churches are our Lord's primary means of accomplishing His will on the earth and ensuring as few perish and as many come to repentance as possible. Eleventh Hour International is likewise devoted to individuals as those through whom both local churches and the global body are built. We exist to aid both as they walk in obedience and partnership with the Lord of the Harvest, in making disciples of all nations.


Proverbs 29:18 says: "Where there is no vision, the people Perish: ..." We believe vision is an appropriate birthing place for the Lord's work. By waiting on the Lord, and allowing Him to birth our work in vision, we ensure the foundations of our work are in keeping with Zechariah 4:6 which says, "...'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' Says the LORD of hosts.". We continually look to the Lord for vision on how He's leading the lost to life, making disciples, equipping His church, and sending His people. We hold near and dear Jeremiah 33:3 which says, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and (show you) great and mighty things, which you do not know." Our prayer is that the Lord Himself will continually be our vision and that He keeps His vision for mission ever before us.


The lost are the primary scope of our focus. They're those from every tribe and nation for whom Jesus came, lived, died, defeated death, empowers with His Spirit, and intercedes for. They're our joy, our crown, and the song of our heart. They’re the strengths and weaknesses of the church's future generations and the mission field of ours. Let us rise to the challenge of evangelizing, discipling, equipping, and sending them.


We envision the lost knowing Jesus intelligently, intimately, and experientially; intelligently in that they know his attributes, intimately in that they have a heart understanding of those attributes, and experientially in that their knowledge and the heart understanding of it effect both their lives and the world around them.


We envision the church and the lost loving Jesus and learning to walk in joyful and
peaceful submission to Him.


We envision the church’s faithful remnant serving Jesus and leading the lost in doing the same. This compels us to lead by example. May we walk in the grace God gives us to faithfully complete the good works for which we’re created, called, and sent. May His great grace strengthen and sustain us when we’re weary in the work and empower us to keep our hands on the plow so as to not become weary of the work. We envision many serving with passion; who, as it says in Romans 12, are never lacking in zeal, but keep their spiritual fervor serving the Lord. May our love and passion for the lost overflow from our love and passion for Jesus.


Jesus is He to whom we belong and owe our very lives. On Him, we fix our eyes and set our hope. He is our hearts true north, our purpose, and our passion.



Founding President
Jason envisioned EHI in the early 2000's while leading short-term mission trips as a youth pastor. Recently, he served as an assisting pastor at Calvary Chapel Summerville. Jason and his wife, JoEllen, met on a mission trip and have 3 children.







Founding President
Jason envisioned EHI in the early 2000's while leading short-term mission trips as a youth pastor. Recently, he served as an assisting pastor at Calvary Chapel Summerville. Jason and his wife, JoEllen, met on a mission trip and have 3 children.



